New England Forestry Foundation
Charlie Reinertsen

Forest-to-Cities Climate Challenge


Take the Pledge

We support using New England’s forests and building with wood to fight climate change. Please count on us to be part of a community of interest—from our forests to our cities—that is committed to maximizing the climate benefits of forests and wood construction. We pledge to support sustainable mass timber as a climate solution because it is a win for the forest, a win for the rural economy, a win for urban quality of life, and a win for the planet’s health.

Forest-to-Cities Climate Challenge

The New England Forestry Foundation’s Forest-to-Cities Climate Challenge offers all New Englanders a chance to work together to make our regional economy and way of life sustainable in a time of climate change by ensuring that we Build It With Wood. The Challenge asks individuals, organizations, businesses and public governmental entities all along the value chain from our beautiful rural woodlots to our exciting New England cities to pledge their support for the revolution in tall wood building construction supported by sustainably produced forest products from our region. Together we can protect and improve our forests, enhance rural and urban community lives, and halt climate change.